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Beach Shooting

Techiniques in beach shooting will use is pretty different from how you do in other different photo shooting. First thing is no high heel shoes are allow on the beach. Due to thing point, you're already in a good challenge to strech all your body, make it visualizing longer and more elegant.

Here I would show some techniques I use in this series of photos.

Through expressing a story by your body not only needs some power but also you need some extensions.

Preparations: Make sure you have practice the position much enough to have the same position even without the mirror.

During the photo shooting: any weather problem will be taken care by photographer. The only thing you need to worrty about it how and what you can do with the texture of the beach. If the sand is soft or pretty solid. Beliefe you must prepare enough about what to do when you found out the texture is too soft.

Also, if you need to change the clothe, remember to bring a temp or anything can make you comfortable to change clothe.

See, as the followed hints, it's not hard to prepare. Things only matter when someone is working harder than another one. All of the points are how much you have been endeaver in your works. Sometimes all about other factors would be fortunes to get a good shot.

It's really happy and funny to shoot the photos with people you trust. So find a photographer and someone who you trust the most to accompany with you. Make yourself more comfortale while filing photos are pretty important.

This is Elsie. I share stories, life experiences. As for the muscule training and following deeper lessons, please contact with me to get a personal and professional training.

Sincerely Elsie.

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